About This Blog

Yes, we made our family blog private for the reasons you would guess. Nevertheless, we still want a public place so that your RSS readers and other internet apps will notify you when we update. Our compromise is this page. We will post up here whenever we post up there, so you'll be notified. BUT look there for the content. If you would like to see the real blog (and you aren't an interwebs SPAMbot), send me an email at joshua (dot) ence (at) gmail (dot) com for an invite. Thanks!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Introducing Baby Ence

Bastian Steadfast Ence
Birthday: Monday, August 1, 2011, 8:29 a.m.
Weight: 8 pounds 2 ounces (good thing he was 2 weeks early!)
Height: Almost 21 inches
Features: Button nose (like mom), short blond hair (like dad)

Proud Papa.

Welcome to the world, little one.

Piper loves her new baby doll.

Piper with her new baby, and me with my new baby.
Snuggle Time!
For the long version of the birth story, click here. If you're interested, but not a member of our private blog, send us an email.